All responses will be held in strict confidentiality. The survey is intended for the sole purpose of gathering data to be included in the publication "My Way or the Highway: The Micromanagement Survival Guide" by Harry E. Chambers, to be released by Berrett-Koehler Publishers, fall 2004.

  1. Are you a manager?

  2. What is your age?

  3. Are you currently being "micromanaged" by a manager?

  4. Have you ever been "micromanaged" by a previous manager?

  5. If yes, more than one previous manager?

  6. Are you currently being "micromanaged" by a team member, peer or coworker?

  7. If yes, more than one team member, peer or coworker?

  8. Have you ever been "micromanaged" by a previous team member, peer or coworker?

  9. If yes, more than one previous team member, peer or coworker?

  10. Have you ever changed positions because of being micromanaged?

  11. Have you ever considered changing jobs because of being micromanaged?

  12. Has being micromanaged ever interfered with your job performance?

  13. Has being micromanaged ever had a negative impact on your morale?

  14. Were you hesitant to fill out this survey or reluctant to return it because someone in your organization might somehow use your responses against you?

  15. Which of the following micromanagement behaviors have you personally experienced from managers?

    Dominance, control or disruption of your time
    Attempts to impose their will by use of raw power or
    Consistently having to win
    Complete control over how things must be done
    Requiring excessive, unnecessary approvals of
    tasks or decisions
    Intense monitoring of your activities
    Excessive, unnecessary, redundant reporting
    Refusal to delegate
    Refusal to accept collaboration
    Incomplete, unclear or distorted information

  16. Which of the following micromanagement behaviors have you personally experienced from team members, peers or coworkers?

    Dominance, control or disruption of your time
    Attempts to impose their will by use of raw power or
    Consistently having to win
    Complete control over how things must be done
    Requiring excessive, unnecessary approvals of
    tasks or decisions
    Intense monitoring of your activities
    Excessive, unnecessary, redundant reporting
    Refusal to delegate
    Refusal to accept collaboration
    Incomplete, unclear or distorted information

  17. In your opinion, have you ever demonstrated any of the traits and behaviors identified in questions #15 toward team members, peers, coworkers or managers?

  18. In your opinion, are you currently demonstrating any of the traits and behaviors identified in question #15 toward the people you are currently managing? (for managers only!)

  19. In your opinion, have you ever demonstrated the traits and behaviors identified in question #15 toward the people you have managed in the past?(for managers only!)

  20. Are you aware of any employees having changed positions because of your management style? (for managers only!)

  21. In your opinion, are the traits and behaviors identified in question #15 an ingrained aspect of your organizational culture? (for managers only!)

Trinity Solutions,  Harry Chambers, 770-486-0164.
Copyright © 2004 [Trinity Solutions]. All rights reserved.
Revised: May 12, 2005